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EN2010 Come Together.

EN2010's got to be the biggest conference I have attended so far. And I am so overwhelmed to see different people from different countries across the planet who came just to gather and be in one accord and that is to honor God. There are so many things that happened on this 3-day conference. And let me tell you this, it's really worth it! And it's a great privilege for us as a country to host this big event that the world had witnessed. The conference was held at the SMX Convention Center beside the Mall of Asia. I met new friends and I get to invite some of my friends too!

One of the best things that happened to me in those 3 days was the time where everybody is all out in worship. We're all so passionate! And I am so blessed to the speakers they've invited. They're all so anointed and I've learned a lot so many things. I am really glad that I became a part of this. I am praying that as we reach the world, the difference should start in our own selves. And the message of this conference is that we're called to evangelize in every campus. I find this really challenging, for it takes commitment to be able to do this. Well, we actually have our own unique ways to share and plant seeds on to others. Again, I am so privileged that I was able to be a part of this conference. It was indeed a great blessing to me. It greatly changed my perspective when it comes to God's call for all of us. If you guys want to listen to all podcasts of this conference, just click here.


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