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The prayer of the gimper named JABEZ (read 1 Chronicles 4:9-10)

Hey guys! Thanks you so much for reading this post that I have just recently posted. I would really appreciate if you'll leave some comments. Thanks.

I know, for some of you, or most of the Christians are familiar with this man named Jabez. And He's a gimper. What do we mean by gimper anyway? A gimper according to Seume was someone who always does a little more than what's required or expected. Are we like that? Do we always do the extra mile in everything we do? Or just do things plain and simple. And then that's the end of it? Our mind is always preoccupied on reaching success. But in the life of this man named Jabez. He did something in life that is really extraordinary that made God answer his prayer. If we will try to look back in the history, names does have its own meaning. And in that time where names are meaningful which greatly reflects who you are. (as what they used to say)

The name Jabez, means "pain." Now, what are you thinking of right now? Have you ever thought of your name? As to, what does it mean, what impact will it give in our character? Or even a thought of curiosity? I know most of us are unaware that names are important for us to know the meaning of it.
Well, for me, to be honest with you, I have no idea what my name means! Haha. Well, I tried to search what my name means, the origin of my name came from a particular place in England. It was in Leicester, England. Which happened to be pronounced as Lester. Then, I dunno what the heck what's next, as to why do they came up with such kind of name. And as I further search more for the meaning of my name, I encountered this site from the internet that tells something about my name. Lester, which means, dwellers of the rivers. Which coincidently, my zodiac sign (which i don't believe, haha) was Pisces. Alright, enought about that. Now that's what Jabez's name meant, "pain."

According to the Scripture, if you will try to browse your bible through the book of 1 Chronicles chapter 4 verse 9. The reason why Jabez's Mom named him that way, is because, she bore him in pain. We don't know what exactly happened in this short passage in the Bible. Such a mini profile, isn't it? But there are a lot of things that boggles our mind. Well, it's up for you now to know. Just read your Bible regularly! Hehe. Now, my question, if my mom will name me that way, of course, at the time I knew something about my name, I would wonder, what the heck is wrong with my name? Why am I having this name? Is it because of the pain that we're going through? Now, that's the challenging part of Jabez's life. Which made me more interested on reading about this man.

Now, as you come to think of it, what will you now do, soon as you find out that your name came from the situation that you were in right now. Will you just do nothing, or do something? Is it just something ordinary or an extraordinary? Gosh. I was really very excited at that point of thought. Of course, I'll do something to it. I have to move on and get over to it. I have to do something that would make God proud of me. Something that would declare His excellencies! GOD. And that's what Jabez did.

Let us take a look at verse 9 of 1st book of Chronicles. It says, "
Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez, saying, "I gave birth to him in pain." What did he do to be more honorable than his brothers? If you will try to take a little bit more closer on the this 1st of Chronicles, it was mostly about the series of names which happened to be the name of the descendants. And all of a sudden, a story break through this chapter that tells something about this man named Jabez. That's weird. Isn't it?

Moving forward, now, would you dare to pray the most powerful prayer that God would always wanted to hear? Read on. Proceed to the next verse, now here you go, "Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." And God granted his request." Now, what's with Jabez's prayer? That made our father in heaven to agree on granting his request. That God made answer his prayer, that is.

I don't want this post to be a spoiler for all of you guys, but if you would really like to further know more about this man, I suggest for you to buy the book. The book isn't that much costly. It would fit your budget. Now, if I may ask you, if you're interested on buying something, are you not gonna buy it no matter how much it would cost? Well, I'm not referring to impulsive buying but, what I mean is, no matter what it takes, if you're interested on something, you're gonna do something just do have it. Something that you could sacrifice with. The book is named the Prayer of Jabez. And name of the author was Bruce Wilkinson. Actually, he had lots of books. Feel free to visit this website to know more about his books - You can buy this book at any bookstores you know. Unless if it's available or not. Hehe. Hope that the bookstore that you'll be visiting has it.

Once again, thanks for visiting this post. This is just a chunk of info about the man that I really admired a lot who prayed the most powerful prayer that God would always wanted to hear.

***Try to scroll the page downwards and you'll see the post that I have posted before about the book. But this version is for the teenagers. Just browse the website that I just gave you. Thanks again.Ü


  1. I believe that there is power in saying the Prayer of Jabez. It did enlarged my Territory. Thanks for being fearless in sharing the word of God. thanks for being an inspiration! :) Keep it up!

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  4. I am just curious, the book of 1st Chronicle 4 vs. 9 and 10 introduced us to Jabez, his prayer and GOD's answer but where did Jabez come from. What was the names of his parents? I look forward to recieving your answer on my email:-


  5. A friend told me the Lord woke him up and told him I am a gimper. He had no idea what a gimper is! I thought it was like someone with a limp, and that does fit me at times due to an injury. But he believes it was in the positive, such as what you list here. Found your post in my quest for the meaning. Thanks for writing this!

  6. Recently I joined a dance ministry here in Blessed Hope, Cagayan de Oro city. I was just a beginner. On the second day of practice, we have a devotional and were challenged by our teacher to interpret a worship song.i was very nervous and afraid because I'm not sure of my actions; and i wonder if my interpretation is right. But i just said to God before my performance that,"Lord this for you. I will not focus on what others might say but i will express my adoration to You". Later on after all of our individual performances, our dance teacher told me that I am one of the gimpers. I wonder what the word meant. As i search the net for answers, i got to this site...and now i know. Thank you very much for sharing God's word. I am more inspired to be a gimper not just on that moment but for always...God bless you and the readers of this blog! (I'll go check my Bible after this and read Jabez story.. :))

    - Jessa

  7. hallo my name is harun from Kenya once I wanted to start a children's family and I really prayed to God to give me the right name and He gave me the Name GIMPER ,I continued praying about it and at this time my wife was pregnant then I had a voice saying your will have a son and he will be called gimper to carry on with your dream and for sure when the child was born he was a boy and we named him gimper which is a name that has shocked many and they always ask where did you get the name. I never new its version in the bible but now I know, blessings

  8. Today I was doing my prayers and reading and after I read the prayer of Jabezz 8/15/01 I had written my personal prayer and one of the things I wrote was I wanted to be a Gimper for God. Over the years I had forgot what was the meaning of gimper. Today I took the time and asked Google and was led to your message. You write just like a dear friend with the "ha, ha". Thank you so much. I am going to read the book again.

  9. Hello from Ohio! I too was searching for the meaning of gimper. I learned of the prayer of Jabez from Dr. Bill Winston. Later, I found "The prayer of Jabez" book as I was going through some of my Grandma's old books. I was so excited! All of my life I had been good at everything I do. It just came natural to me. I didn't do it to make others look bad, it is just how I was compelled to help others - to always go above and beyond. All glory to God for giving me this gift! Thank you for writing this post and spreading the word of God! Even 8 years later, your post is still helping others. ~God Bless

  10. have been praying the Jabez prayer ever since I laid my eyes on it until this very minute and shared it to my friends.
    and am reaping the blessings since then until now.

  11. have been praying the Jabez prayer ever since I laid my eyes on it until this very minute and shared it to my friends.
    and am reaping the blessings since then until now.

  12. The Prayer of Jabez is one of the most powerful prayers I have ever prayed in my life. There is nothing that is impossible when saying the Prayer of Jabez. All you have to do is ask to be blessed, with pure motives. I have learned that what you desire will make a way if it is pleasing to God. I have been praying this prayer off and on for 30+ years. The miracles of God never cease to amaze me!


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