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What comes first into your mind when you hear something about GLOBAL VILLAGE?
I know this may sound new to you for those who's unfamiliar. But let the Merriam-Webster dictionary define Global Village.

Global Village - the world viewed as a community in which distance and isolation have been dramatically reduced by electronic media (as television and the Internet).

And for other definition, Global Village means, it's the entire world and its inhabitants.

Now, why do I come up with this kind of topic. What's the connection of this compound word in our lives as a Filipino individual? Read on to find out. Very interesting.

We have just recently celebrated our church's 25th Anniversary. And coincidently, that was the theme of our church anniversary. It was quite very interesting because Global Village really is a technical term for this digital world. But if we will try to look it in another perspective, in a basic understanding, look at it literally. GLOBAL.. and then VILLAGE.. which of these two could stand alone? Let us define it individually, Global means o
f, relating to, or involving the entire world. While the village means a settlement usually larger than a hamlet and smaller than a town or an incorporated minor municipality. (according to Merriam-Websters Dictionary) Now, what do you think? What do you have in mind? Now that we defined it both. Hmm.. Read on.

Our beloved Rev./Ptr. Butch Conde, our church life coach, is one of the many Filipino deep thinkers I know, He's one of a kind. Good thing He's a Christian. I admired him so much. For he has a different point of view, a different kind of perspective when it comes to the coming generation of the Filipinos. And that made me think deeply, too.
Now, this was his message all about. As I look back the history of our country, we all know that Jose Rizal is one of the many Filipinos who contributed great things in the history of our country. A pioneer when it comes to being a Filipino genius who go the extra mile, just to prove that Filipinos have the guts to make a difference.

Well, we all know that one of the reasons why our beloved National Hero did those things is because he has this deep passion for the country. He loves it. Not only that, but willing to die for it. That's one of the many reasons that drives him to become an extraordinary pinoy. The question now is this, alright, Great! We are so overwhelmed about what Rizal did, dying for our country. Does it end there? Is that it? Are there any Pinoys who dreamed to do great things for our country such as like that? Not because those days, our country was still colonized by Spaniards. Actually, to be honest with you my dear reader, the case of our country these days is even more worst than our country being colonized before. We have a damaged culture now. No one even attempted to do great things for the generation of the Filipino these days.

Now, what's the point? Well, simply, we're left behind by our neighboring countries already! Particularly in Asia.
Evidence? Let me share you a story of a youth who used to study in the US. I forgot where he's studying, but this is what exactly happened. I'm not sure of the exact words of the discussion, but it goes like this.

"Who among in this class are from Asia?" Then some of them raised their hands and blurted out, "I'm from Japan!", "I'm from Korea!", "I'm from Singapore!" and "I'm from China!". Now when its the youth's turn to respond about what is being asked, this is what the professor responded, after saying, "I'm from the Philippines!".
"I'm sorry but, the Philippines is not included on the Asian continent, for what I know, Asians are brilliant and innovative, and Filipinos are not brilliant! Filipinos doesn't have an identity of their own. And your country is just a part of the Pacific Islands." What a shocking statement! Isn't it? Will you just simply agree with what the professor had said? Isn't that an ouch for all of us? What would be your reaction if you're that student?

One of the issues that our country is facing today was the quality of our education. I know, we have a lot of things in mind as to what are the causes of the poor quality of education in the Philippines. It might be because of the Government, who failed to support the public schools, for those students whose families doesn't have the opportunity on studying in a private one. Another was, the integrity issue of the quality teachers. Miseducated educators miseducating education, that is. I have recently read an article about this integrity issue for the Filipino teachers these days. If you want to read the article, it came from our church website, that's Just proceed to this link and you'll see. This is just for a further idea about this topic.

There are a lot of issues going on right now in our country. That made us remain stagnant and be satisfied by staying in our comfort zones. We don't even have the courage to compete with the other countries when it comes to different things, I know Filipinos were good in sports. But I know, there must be a higher calling for all of us.

Now, the main purpose of the Global Village perspective is that, it's one way of letting you realize that, we all live in the same planet. Let's go on the spiritual side of perspective. We're not only meant to just live in this world by just making money out of our jobs, having successful careers, etc. But there's nothing wrong with that, I have nothing against with that. It's just that, why not do something extraordinary. By letting the world know that there are new Rizals coming out for the change that most Filipinos are aiming for.

Our Last Hope. That's us! We are the generation called by God to make a difference. It's never too late for a change. Now, I have a question, if you're one of the youth that God has called for the dream of changing our country, why not now? Why not do something extraordinary? I myself, was so overwhelmed with these thing. I am longing to do something about the stand of our nation with the neighboring countries. If they can, of course we can! Let us not be comfortable and stay in our comfort zones. Let us welcome challenges in all that we do. Go the extra mile and make a difference. Don't just dream on being an OFW by having the wrong idea that the opportunities were there, there is still HOPE for this country! It's just that, we're not pushing ourselves to do something great. For we have a great God! The one who created the whole planet. Where the Philippines was one of his creations. LOL. Yes, that's a simple illustration that it's not that far for us to make history, once again. Let us prove to them that we can! I myself, working as a call center agent, when I encounter a client who's asking, where am I located, I proudly say that I'm from the Philippines. I prove to the American clients that we're cool by doing my job with integrity and excellence. But of course, I am still in the process of growth. Everyone is aiming for success and more greater success!

So, I hope this may change your perspective. The purpose of this blog post? Is because, I consider myself a patriotic. I love my country! And the Lord called me to share this message to you. To give hope for our generation. Feel free to leave your comments here. And it will be forwarded on my email. I wanna know your own point of views regarding this. Alright? So, again, thank you so much for spending your precious time reading this post. I hope that this will give you the impression of doing something innovative for our country. Wait for my next posts! God Bless everyone!


  1. very well said what was stated here...a very patriotic man who was inspired and be able to composed this post..

    hope as you read this one,you'll be inspired too as i was!

    go on and read and be the one to understand and ponder about this fact that our country is facing..

    God bless you,les!

    compose more articles...hehe


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