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Best of the Best 2012


Thankful. That's all I'm gonna say. If not because of the people who believed in what I'm capable of, I won't get to where I am today. Each day, there's always a lesson to learn and a role to play. I've always been a positive thinker, ever since. I may have been through a lot but it's with those experience that I get to learn how to be strong. Let me start with my parents, who encourages me to be the best that I can, to my friends who are always there to listen, to the team I'm in at work who are always very supportive and to God, who is always the source of my strength as I go through my journey in life.

But the adventure continues and it doesn't end there. A lot of things have to be done as I continue to move forward. There's still room for improvement as I go through maturity with my career. The door won't close as long as I will choose to be determined on reaching my goals. I will never get swayed if ever someone would turn me down but like what my mentors tell me, I should always choose to believe in myself.

Being a part of this event was really extraordinary! It felt great once again to be in front of many people recognizing all of what you've done best as I represent my team. I get to see different people from other teams who shared their hurdles and gave their best on meeting those targets. It takes a lot of sacrifices to be able to define how it is to be a part of the Best of the Best. I, myself, I am nothing. I always give the credit to the one who wrote the story of my life. God, that is. He's the reason why I've reached this far. Again, I will always and will remain thankful for all these privileges. And I will give my very best to be at the top of the game.


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