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What my life had been so far.

Finally. Had time to update my blog. With the busy schedules that I had, it was really a challenge to do the things you usually do. Time flies! It's been a great journey for me since I had this role with my career and that is exactly what I'm going to share about with this entry. Here goes...

I am just so amazed with how God moved in my life. He tremendously blessed me with so many things, not only just with material things, but with my day-to-day experiences. There will always be a lesson to learn each day. Being a trainer, a mentor, or a teacher, was never an easy thing to do. But when you get to realize if you're doing it with a purpose, with a heart that is so full of passion, everything else follows. With the recent success that I had, I learned that valuing your people I would say was one of the secret ingredients of effective leadership. Not only just by teaching them of what to do but learning from them as well. Checking on them every single day on how they are feeling, why do they seem sad or even when you're not seeing them smiling is something that we're missing at times. I believe in the power of motivation but based on what I have learned from John Maxwell's writings is that people need not to wait to be motivated in order for them to be at their best at all times, but challenging them to find ways on how they could be at the top of their game is something that should drive them to perform best. You can always be the starting point of their motivation but challenging them to change their perspective toward success by having a goal is something that really made sense to them. A goal is something you look forward to. A plan will never be a goal if no action was done to reach it. Questions like, "Why am I here for?" or "How do I see myself in the future?" are challenges that are left unanswered but contemplated on by many of us.

I am just so glad that my mentors are always there for me. No matter who I am, no matter what I've done or how tough it could get. They did not give up on me. I am just so thankful to have them. I have a lot to learn. Yes. I am always willing to learn. And part of it is to work on my character. I am not quite not in a level of maturity to understand some of things but I am just so happy that I have some of the qualities that a leader should have and that I need to maintain those. There will always be an opportunity to improve. And that is something that I love with this job, I do learn everyday. You take part on someone else's development and someone has to develop you for your competencies. Everyone has a role to play. That's the kind of team that I've always wanted.

Move forward. That's what I had to do. I will never be tired with this and I will always remain positive with the ups and downs of life. And with God on my side, I will get through all this.


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