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The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

C.S. Lewis never fails to amaze me with his writings. Though I didn't have that much time when it comes to reading books. So I haven't read the whole Chronicles yet. But I soon will when I had time to do it. My big thanks to those movie producers who made everything possible for bringing it to life. With the technology we have, everything's gonna be possible. With the movie tricks (as how they used to call it) and the effects, I salute them! Well, of course we know that there are a lot of changes when a book will be made to a cinematic experience. Because with these series, it takes imagination just so you can understand it.

With this 3rd installment, I knew it from the very start that it's really gonna be exciting. Though the other two aren't there - Peter and Susan. Edmund and Lucy are interesting characters I would say since The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. For they both have the most intriguing part of the story. Edmund seem to be surprised that he's back in Narnia but more excited that he ever was when he got back. Lucy in the same way was very happy that she's also back in Narnia. Their cousin Eustace though wasn't. For the reason that when Edmund and Lucy's telling him about the world of Narnia, he's always certain that the two are not really telling him of the truth. But soon as he got there, he's no way sure why or how did he get there, but in my mind, I know that there's a purpose for everything. Edmund and Lucy were also surprised when they finally saw their weapons again. Weapons that came from Aslan with extraordinary purposes. And as the story goes along, they both find themselves in a journey once again where they both had a important role to do to save Narnia from the hands of the enemy. Eustace in the other hand, never felt that he's got any part to save Narnia and in fact, still in disbelief that he really is in Narnia. But in the end, with Aslan's help, he finally realized what his purpose really is. Despite his character and with how he sees things, he's still given the chance to prove himself in an extraordinary way. I love how Reepicheep said it, "Extraordinary things only happen to extraordinary people."

Same thing with our lives. There may be a lot of unexpected circumstances that goes along our way. But at the end of the day, we would always realize that those things would make us stronger and wiser than ever before. It's always a learning process. Eustace learned a very important lesson that even with his character (being negative on things) made himself a worth that he himself never realize. The best part of the movie, of course, would always be the last part, it was when Lucy asked Aslan if they could meet him in our world and Aslan said, "Because there I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name. This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there." That was really just so beautiful. With every circumstances we go through in life, there's always a lesson to learn. And that is always been the exciting part of our lives. That we are all in a journey called life where there are a lot of surprises. God is full of surprises! And that had always been the case. God always has this way of bringing us to weird journeys and it's always up to us on how we look at it and deal with it. But God never fails to let us realize our own flaws and learn from them.

I absolutely rated this movie superbly! It's really worth to see it in 3D. I actually got excited about it because the previous installments we're just in 2D. So two thumbs up! I'm really happy that some of my friends, or even my cousins gave me a positive feedback about the movie. For they all, in the same way find the movie interesting. Though for some, they may need to dig in for them to fully understand the significances. Looking forward for more movie version of this series. But I promised to myself that I will be reading all of them. My fellow readers, thanks for your time once again for reading this entry. Have a good one y'all!


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