Oh, man! This movie’s really awesome! You may be wondering as to why the movie’s entitled Karate when it’s taped on China. Well, if you’ll watch the movie, you’ll see why. It’s actually a film remake. Directed by Harald Zwart and produced by Will Smith. Jaden Smith really kicked ass on this movie! And he really really looked like his Dad when acting. Really talented. A very promising actor in Hollywood. I’m planning to see this movie again. And oh, how can I forget Jackie Chan! I’ve always been a BIG fan of him! Whenever I heard a movie with JC, it’s always the best! You guys should see this movie. It’s worth it! And one of the many reasons why I like this movie so much? It’s been in my dream to visit China someday! Such a beautiful place! Well, if I were given the chance to be a kid again, I would love to learn martial arts. Kung Fu or Wushu, Karate and Taekwondo. There's something in these martial arts that will definitely change you as a person. It's not only just the cool moves, perhaps for self-defense, but it's the kind of discipline you'll learn from it. How about the moral value of this movie? Well, I always remind myself to always keep focused. To stay FOCUS is probably one of the best ways to keep yourself determined on reaching your goals in life. I like how Jackie Chan said it on the movie, "Kung Fu is everything." The movie also emphasizes the importance of one's attitude towards things, which greatly affects who you could become. And lastly, DISCIPLINE. Nothing beats Kung Fu's discipline, well in my own opinion. You may be the smartest but if you failed to discipline yourself, which molds one's character, knowledge is useless. I don't wanna spoil this much about the movie but you guys should really see this film remake. I don't care what other people think about the old movie but I seriously wanna see this movie again.
Hey guys! Thanks you so much for reading this post that I have just recently posted. I would really appreciate if you'll leave some comments. Thanks. I know, for some of you, or most of the Christians are familiar with this man named Jabez. And He's a gimper. What do we mean by gimper anyway? A gimper according to Seume was someone who always does a little more than what's required or expected. Are we like that? Do we always do the extra mile in everything we do? Or just do things plain and simple. And then that's the end of it? Our mind is always preoccupied on reaching success. But in the life of this man named Jabez. He did something in life that is really extraordinary that made God answer his prayer. If we will try to look back in the history, names does have its own meaning. And in that time where names are meaningful which greatly reflects who you are. (as what they used to say) The name Jabez, means "pain." Now, what are you thinking of right now?...
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