The concert was indeed a successful one. We really had a blast! The energy of the band just amazed me. I haven't known Paramore for that long but I really liked and loved their songs. Sometimes people are just particular with how the music may sound. But for me, music is far more than that. I love the way Hayley and the the rest of the band compose their songs. They have this passion in them that made them really cool with their music. That night proves that they really are passionate with what they are doing.
Sad though, Josh, one of the lead guitarist/bassist in the band, busy with his wedding plans. But I really did enjoy the night. With the people screaming, jumping and headbanging (Lol) It was such an unforgettable night for me. I've been waiting for this night for a long time and it did happen. Thanks to those people who demanded them on coming here. Hayley, with the band, find our country very warm with the way we welcome them. And of course, literally, summer is already felt in the Philippines right now.
The other thing that made me sad, the band CallaLilly performed, I dunno why the crowd's making fun of them, making them feel that they can't wait for Paramore to be on stage, I mean, that's just so sad. They were given that chance to show off what they got, so what's wrong with that? I mean, that's the big problem that we, Filipinos are not seeing. We do not support our own bands, that's why very few made it to show off themselves on other countries. Unless we start loving our own, there's really no way for us to be competitive on the global stage. Just a thought. An opinion but a strong one. (sigh) Oh well, I guess I would say the night was really fantastic, despite the sweat and all that, we really enjoyed it so much! I thank my sister and my cousin on accompanying me. It was really a blast! Again, for Paramore, I would really be happy if you guys come back here! Bon Voyage!
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