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There are so many things to be thankful about in my life. And the most obvious one is my life itself. The moment I wake up in the morning, the air that I breathe, are the things that made me realize that there's another day for me to live in, an opportunity for me to learn something new. I'm just really thankful about what's happening with me right now. I've been privileged to have so many things, not only just with material blessings, but also with people around me, my friends, my colleagues, my schoolmates, my relatives, my parents and most of all, our Father who is the author of everything in our lives.

Blessing for me is something that would not only make you feel comfortable, and that everything is cool, but with the struggles I've been through in life, it made me realized one thing, it shaped and helped me of becoming who I am right now. One thing I've also learned from what I've been through is that it is also important to set your goals for your future. Your plans would help you keep track of what you could become in the future. Well, of course, it has to be something in line with God's will for you. It may somehow made you think that it would be difficult to know what His will is for you. And with that being said, I've become more prayerful, especially on my trying times. I've dealt with so many things that got me almost discouraged to move forward. But that didn't stop me from dreaming and from aiming. I've learned how to believe more on myself and to always believe and remain positive whenever the going gets tough.

Well, what motivated me the most are the people who greatly influenced me, people who are called to do great things, who will never stop dreaming for the future. And it was the church who always inspire me to give my very best in everything I do. I am always moved by this quote by William Carey, “Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God.” And that's what keeps me moving. To give my best for His glory.

And that was all I just wanted to share. I hope I have inspired you guys once again. It's been a long time that I haven't shared anything about me lately, but here it is. Friends, just do bear in mind that blessings are not only just things that would make you feel good but also, with things that would really make you tough as well. Face all the challenges and be courageous enough to claim things in victory. I began to embrace hardships, for it made me more stronger compare to who I am before. Afraid. Anxious. Discourage. But not anymore. And I always see to it that He is in the center of my life, for I know God's will is always the best. So make it a habit as well to dream more on your future. Dream BIG. For we serve a great God. So attempt great things from Him. To those who had time to read this, thanks. And may He bless you more in everything you do.


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