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Showing posts from April, 2010

Touching Heaven. Changing Earth.

It is indeed a great night of worship when the people from all walks of life had gathered to lift up His name. I may sound too religious but I was just really amazed that night. I just had an appointment with my doctor that same week when this chest pains attacked me for me not to be able to do the things that I wanna do. It was really hard that time. I can't even do my job that very well. The doctor diagnosed me and told me that it's because of too much stress. Well, I guess I shouldn't be blaming myself to be too dedicated with my job. I just failed to balance everything. I've completely forgotten my health. It is once said in the Scripture that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. And so it is our sole responsibility to take good care of it. And I did just that. Then came the day. The 20th of April, and it's a Tuesday. My mom didn't want me to go cause I've abused my body so much and rather just stay home and rest. But deep inside of me is telling ...